Over the past month or so I’ve repurposed one of my domains, drakesbrewhouse.com from a tumblr that I was using for my homebrew experiment, to a jekyll blog for my home renovation project.

By the time this post goes live I will have segued the experience of building that site into rebuilding this one, but the main work there was just getting everything setup and functioning. I used a really nice responsive theme and changed some images.

For a recent client project we were asked to do several fancy implementations to match their very specific design requirements, and while some of the solutions ended up somewhat hacky, there were a couple where I was pleased with the process and result. Both were on the product grid and involved ajax requests.

The first was a product “quick view” feature with fully implemented quantity drop downs, configurable form elements, social media widgets and add to cart functionality.

Quick View

I don’t often get to do too much front-end work these days, but this is a project I did in conjunction with another developer at SFC for two different clients who both wanted what we’re calling “exploded nav.”

Exploded Nav


Just completed a quick project for a client who wanted to capture the referrer information in completed orders in magento.

Integrated that with my employer’s reporting module to display not only the full url of the referrer but extract the search terms where applicable. I think this is the most immediately useful module coding I’ve done.

This is a project I’m working on for my current employer, Storefront Consulting.

The client requested we modify the core Magento category filtering to allow for several features unavailable in the core version of Magento Enterprise. They wanted to be able to apply multiple options under the same filter, and make the options available throughout the site, not just in the catalog module.


This is the model for what was supposed to be an information site sort of like a wiki but in which the information is updated every couple years at most.  The project is currently on hold and hopefully will not include such a silly navigation system.  Nonetheless I wanted to share the model and how I implemented it here because of the unusual nature.


This is a freelance project I did for a site called “The Lazy Player” which sells world of warcraft leveling services and accounts. The site is built on Magento and there are several parts to my contribution to the site.



This post is a little behind, but two weeks ago I and most of the IT staff at eppley.org launched our new website. I cannot take credit for the design, but the jquery slideshows and the setup and conversion of the design for magento is all my handiwork.

I spent most of the day today installing wordpress on the site and converting the old content to work on it.  

It’s pretty much ready to go as-is, but I’m sure it will need the occasional tweak.  The purpose for this change is so I can document my projects as I work on them.  It might be confusing because http://drogers.net/blog goes to my tumblr, and I’ll keep it that way for the sake of old links, but the site itself will be an actual log of my activity, while the tumblr has always been merely an aggregation of things I find worth sharing.

Disappointed to find that php’s date() function has no roman numeral conversion, nor is there any preexisting function to do so, I whipped up my own today.

```php <?php function roman_numeral($dec){ $table = array(1 => “I”, 5 => “V”, 10 => “X”, 50 => “L”, 100 => “C”, 500 => “D”, 1000 => “M”); $rom[100] = substr($dec, -3, 1); $rom[10] = substr($dec, -2, 1); $rom[1] = substr($dec, -1); $m = substr($dec, 0, -3);

    foreach($rom as $key => $base){
          case 0:
             $rom[$key] = "";
          case 9:
             $rom[$key] = $table[$key].$table[$key*10];
          case 4:
             $rom[$key] = $table[$key].$table[$key*5];
          case 5:
             $rom[$key] = $table[$key*5];
          case $base < 4:
             $rom[$key] = str_repeat($table[$key], $base);
          case $base > 5:
             $rom[$key] = $table[$key*5].str_repeat($table[$key], $base - 5);
    return str_repeat("M", $m).implode($rom);
} ```